The Weird Path of the Postal Service
May 31, 2016   Karen Bartram
Is the shortest path always the best? In order to be qualified to work in the direct mail industry, I started my career as a letter carrier for the Postal Service.  As a letter carrier in a suburban neighborhood I was supposed to follow the sidewalks...

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Don't Be So (case) Sensitive
May 26, 2016   Karen Bartram
Don't Be So (case) Sensitive We love fancy GURLs around here, but sometimes they can be so hard to understand. I'm talking about General URLs, of course, those special domain names you create for your landing pages. Some of our favorites,...

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IP Targeting – Setting the Right Expectations
May 18, 2016   Karen Bartram
IP Targeting – Setting the Right Expectations We love IP targeting.  It is a unique marketing channel with a unique reach – plus it is just cool.  But, we think it is important to make IP targeting part of a larger campaign and know how to measure and...

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Hey! That’s My MID!!
April 28, 2016   Karen Bartram
We’re flexible, but there are some rules you just have to obey… One thing we are proud of at SnailWorks is the flexibility we have built into our system for managing a variety of Mailer ID’s (MID’s.)  Our customers have the option of using our MID; they...

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A World with Informed Visibility
April 28, 2016   Karen Bartram
It''s a lot like the world we''re currently in... The Postal Service made a big splash at the National Postal Forum in Nashville last month with the roll-out of its “informed” products – Informed Visibility and Informed Delivery.  Apparently there was...

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Informed This, Informed That
March 30, 2016   Karen Bartram
USPS gets all digital at National Postal Forum The National Postal Forum wrapped up in Nashville last week, and it was one of the best attended in quite a while – with more than 4,000 attendees. The big theme this year was the Postal Service’s Digital...

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Whoa! I Didn’t Know I Could DO That!
March 30, 2016   Karen Bartram
OK, I knew, but I bet you didn’t know these 8 uses for mail tracking! I just don’t get it some days. I show a mail service provider SnailWorks Mail Tracking and they love it.  They go nuts.  But then…well, they can get it free from their commingler…or...

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SnailWorks On The Road!
February 29, 2016   Karen Bartram
We’re getting ready for the National Postal Forum in March – plan on stopping by!  Need an exhibit hall pass? Drop us a line! March 20 - 23 – National Postal Forum, Nashville, TN Dave Lewis will be speaking at the NPF on Sunday, March...

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How Your Landing Pages Can Be Better
February 29, 2016   Karen Bartram
It will cost you about an hour of your time We create a lot of landing pages at SnailWorks – it’s kind of what we do.  And, we see that a lot of them could be better.  We’re out to fix that.  Join us on March 3 for our newest FREE webinar – Landing Pages:...

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Hey Kids! Let’s Do Some Marketing
February 29, 2016   Karen Bartram
Something more important than exigent rates. We’re kind of postal nerdy around here, but even we are getting bored with waiting to see if rates are going to drop 4.3% in April. We are confident that no company is going to have a triumphant year because...

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