Hey! That’s My MID!!
April 28, 2016   Karen Bartram

We’re flexible, but there are some rules you just have to obey…

One thing we are proud of at SnailWorks is the flexibility we have built into our system for managing a variety of Mailer ID’s (MID’s.)  Our customers have the option of using our MID; they can use theirs; they can use their customer’s. We support all kinds of MID’s. But even we have a few rules that make this crazy business at least a little manageable:
  • If we’re going to use your MID, you need to let us get it registered with the Postal Service. USPS does need to know to whom to send scan data – if the data for a MID is not delegated to us, we won’t see it, and we won’t know when your mail is being delivered. If you tell us after the job has mailed we generally cannot get the data – it’s already drifted into the ether;
  • If you use our MID, you need to use the serial numbers we assign you for a job. Otherwise we might confuse your scans with those of another customer.  According to our studies, that makes no one happy;
  • If you are using your own (or your customers’) MID, please make it a six-digit MID. While our system can accommodate nine-digit MID’s, there are almost always problems, particularly with unintentional duplicates. This makes it impossible to ensure the accuracy of jobs with nine-digit MID’s.
That’s all – not so bad, huh?  Confused?  Call us – we live to help make this stuff intelligible.
