Whoa! I Didn’t Know I Could DO That!
March 30, 2016   Karen Bartram

OK, I knew, but I bet you didn’t know these 8 uses for mail tracking! I just don’t get it some days. I show a mail service provider SnailWorks Mail Tracking and they love it.  They go nuts.  But then…well, they can get it free from their commingler…or it’s already built into their software…so we love your stuff, but… “But what do you DO with your mail tracking?”, I always ask. “Well, we, um, we track the mail. We know when it gets delivered. If there’s a problem with delivery we can check it.” Oy. For too many mailers (and printers!) mail tracking is just a thing to check off on a list. “Mail tracking?  Yeah, we do that.” Our most successful clients have found they can do a lot more to build their business with mail tracking. Some of our favorites:
  • Prompt a conversation with a client – on every mailing. One client has us automatically send a YourMail notification to every client when 50% of their mail has been delivered – and to the sales rep. Their policy is to have the sales rep check in with the client when they get that notice to see how response has been. It’s a great conversation, and a client relationship builder.
  • Verify an absentee ballot. A couple of election districts are printing unique Intelligent Mail barcodes on each inbound ballot envelope. If a ballot arrives after Election Day, they can scan the barcode to make sure it was put in the mail on time. Works great – and this is on flat-size mail!
  • Trigger a telemarketing call. This is a classic use of mail tracking, but crazy easy with SnailWorks. We can automatically create a trigger file based on your business rules, telling your outbound telemarketers whom to call today.
  • Project cash flow. Many of our clients who send out dues invoices track the inbound payments and we can project how much revenue will be in a day’s mail. They also use this to suppress subsequent dues invoices.
  • Update CRM. The delivery of a piece of mail to a prospect or customer is a marketing event. Many of our clients who manage their sales process through a CRM system have each record updated automatically through an API. It’s kind of like a trigger file, but at the record level, automatic, and how things are done today.
  • Get free ACS data. You work hard doing Full-Service Intelligent Mail. One sure fire ROI benefit you can get from it is finding out who didn’t get delivered and where they moved to.  We can automatically send you (or your client) that information.
  • Initiate a multi-channel campaign. It is well established that coordinating direct mail with other marketing channels makes it more effective. So if you are tracking the mail you can use that as the basis of any number of coordinated channels – even more mail! It’s all built into SnailWorks, an award winning multi-channel platform.
  • Show your clients you care. Don’t end your client relationships at the Postal Service loading dock. Send them updates on when and where their mail is being delivered – daily updates by date, by region – whatever you choose. And we do it automatically.
I know, I know – your clients aren’t asking for these services. That’s why you will rock their world!!  Properly used, mail tracking can be so much more than checking off a box – it can make you truly better than your competitors. By the way, most of these uses never require your client to log into the system. They don’t need to memorize a user name or password. It’s delivered to them automatically. Oh, one last thing. All of this client-pleasing technology comes at a price that beats most of our competitors – and it’s easier to use. I mean, come on! Click here to schedule your free online demo. Join “our most successful clients.”
