Anybody Missing Any Scans? We Got Some Scans Here!
April 27, 2017   Dave Lewis

One of the great things about being a Big Time mail tracker is that the Postal Service sends you a whole bunch of scans every day. Millions and millions of ‘em.  Which is great, except…sometimes they’re not our scans!  Imagine that!  So we’ve got all of these unmatched scans lying around. Well, we run a pretty tight ship at SnailWorks. So we can’t have scans bouncing around willy-nilly, so we have to match them all up to something. Usually they belong to a customer, but no job in particular.  A lot of times a customer forgot to upload a job, so then we need to reprocess those scans again, and our hamsters are getting exhausted.  We don’t think anyone’s best needs are served by not reporting on scans we get, and it really does use a tremendous amount of resources.  Also – if you upload the details from a project after the mail is getting delivered, your early scan data may end up drifting around in the data ether. In the next couple of months we will be working with clients to eliminate these pesky scans. Please do be aware that if you have unmatched scans beyond a certain threshold, you may be subject to a small charge.  Similarly, if we need to reprocess jobs that were uploaded after mail started delivering, there may be a charge – we gotta feed those hamsters something! Our goal is to help all of our customers get the most for their tracking dollar, so let’s work together to get our scans spic and span!
