A Power User’s Guide to SnailWorks
February 24, 2017   Admin

A SnailWorks webinar – March 16, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time Strap on your multi-channel helmet and hold on tight - we’re doing a deep dive into the SnailWorks Multi-Channel Marketing system, and we’re welcoming you to join us! Whether you’re an old callused long time user who can assemble a campaign in your sleep, or brand new to multi-channel marketing, you will learn something new.  If you are already SnailWorks user (bless your heart) you will see exciting new features we’ve added, as well as maybe finding a few you didn’t know were there.  If you are not yet a SnailWorks user (in other words, a future SnailWorks user) prepare to be dazzled. This is an all-on; create-a-campaign, add-new-channels, gather-amazing-reports presentation. We won’t lecture you on offers or your calls to action (well, maybe a little) but we will be focused on showing you how to make your offer and call to action work most efficiently.  Some of the features we’ll be, um, featuring:
  • Efforts reporting – how to measure all of the pieces of your campaign, and how to use that information to keep your campaign optimized and rolling;
  • Our new campaign creation interface. Your grandma could create a multi-channel campaign on this one! This is intuition made intuitively intuitive. It’s so easy that it’s almost insulting to show you how it works – but we will;
  • Our new “Alternative Channels” panel brings reporting for all of your marketing channels onto a single dashboard, and all of your responses. We’ll show you how to add:
    • Phone replies – your 800 number or ours;
    • Inbound reply mail;
    • IP targeting;
    • Remarketing;
  • On the mail tracking side, we’ll show how to generate automated proof of mailing reports, user defined field reporting and more.
It’s going to be a rock ‘em, sock ‘em hour of multi-channel mayhem – a live demo conducted by SnailWorks president Dave Lewis until he hands over control to Director of Client Relations Karen Bartram, who actually knows how this stuff works. Seriously, though, this will be a valuable hour to gain insight into how to create multi-channel campaigns and get the best use out of the SnailWorks system for mail tracking. It will help existing clients learn all of the capabilities at their fingertips, and will be an insight even for folks considering multi-channel marketing or mail tracking. The webinar is free, and will be on March 16, 2017 at 2:00 pm, Eastern Time. We hope you will join us – we are confident you will find it valuable.  You can sign up here.
