View By, Well, Pretty Much Anything
January 31, 2017   Dave Lewis

It’s tough to get all excited about something called a “User-Defined Field,” (UDF) but at SnailWorks we think they’re pretty fabulous – and so do some of our most sophisticated mail tracking clients.    When you are looking at mail tracking reports, you’re usually viewing by something – by state, by zip code, by SCF – some geographical area.  So that’s great when you want to see how your mail is delivering in Iowa, or in 21701.  But sometimes you may have your own areas that you are interested in:  maybe sales territory or retail locations.  User-Defined Fields to the rescue!  You can assign a territory ID, or a store ID to each tracking record according to your own rules – in fact there a multiple UDF’s available so you can identify what region a store is in, and view by both – you can even make one UDF subordinate to another.  Whee!!    Using another type of UDF, you can assign unique values to individual records – say gender or a membership number.  These fields are generally not used to group records – it’s simply unique information to display in reports.  Of course, like most things in life, there are limits to how many UDF’s you can use on a project – it’s a total of five – three groupable, and two for unique record level information.  And of course you can name these fields as you like – so if you want to view by location, or do a search by member number, that is what those fields will be called.  You’re the user – you get to define!  Get more out of your mail tracking – ask your project manager about User Defined Fields!
