Last week’s traffic report was terrible. Forget it – this week is much worse. Only 54.4% of First-Class letters were delivered on time. This is, far and away, the worst we’ve ever seen since we started posting these reports in 2021. Nearly 9% of First-Class letters were more than 5 days late. Remember when they were shooting for 95% on time for their easy new “realistic” standards? Now they can only get 91% delivered less than 5 days late.
First-Class flats – 39.5% were on time. Doesn’t even raise an eyebrow for us. USPS has given up on delivering flats on time, long ago.
Marketing Mail did better that First-Class Mail, and yet still managed to be terrible. 93.9% on time for Marketing Mail letters is just bad. 78.8% on time for Marketing Mail flats is inexcusable. More than 11% were more than 5 days late. This is Marketing Mail – they have very generous on-time standards. In many cases, they just have to take the mail from one side of the facility to the other.
Unfortunately, this is not a fluke week – this is a trend. Could next week be worse?
If you didn’t get your year-end appeals out early last week, regardless of class, I hope you tracked them. You may need to ramp your email way up. If you have any personal bills due before year-end, do not mail them at this point. FedEx, or hand deliver them.