Building a Campaign – Step by Step
May 31, 2016   Karen Bartram

The SnailWorks Webinar

You can do this.  If you can do mail, you can do multi-channel – and you need to.  First you need to build a multi-channel campaign for yourself, and then you need to do it for your clients.  No not a nice mail piece, and maybe the occasional email, or hosting the occasional web page for a client.  We’re talking about a step by step coordinated campaign, with offers, business rules, triggers, new channels – the way marketing is done today.  We’re going to show you how. June 9, 2016 at 2:00 edt – Building a Campaign Step-by-Step We did a session at the National Postal Forum in March called “Building a Winning Multi-Channel Campaign.”  It was well attended and well received, but it was a mere appetizer compared to what we will be presenting June 9 – a bon-bon.  On June 9th we’ll walk step by step through the campaign process from conceiving the offer to choosing the right channels.  We’ll follow the process of creating and executing each channel, and then we’ll evaluate the results and develop next steps. It’s very detailed, very specific, and it applies to what you need to do in your business.  When we’re done you’ll be ready to create direct marketing campaigns for your business – and for your customers’. Among the topics we’ll cover:
  • Campaign Strategy
    • Developing an offer
    • Choosing your channels
    • Defining your goals for the campaign
    • Getting your client to think strategically
  • Campaign Planning
    • Drawing a campaign plan
    • Building your business rules
  • Creating the Campaign
    • Digital assets
    • Making sure you have all the pieces
    • Designing the efforts:
      • Direct mail;
      • Email
      • Landing pages;
      • Digital display ads
    • Executing the Campaign
      • Quality control – testing
      • Pushing the button
    • Measuring and Following Up
      • Don’t stop now! This campaign just started
      • Creating follow-up efforts
      • Measuring effectiveness and ROI
Whew!  That is a lot of multi-channel wonder packed into 60 short minutes.  If you have ever thought about getting into multi-channel, of if you’re putting it together yourself today, you need to see this.  Like all of our webinars we get right into the how-to of doing things.  You will leave this webinar ready to design a campaign for your own business, or for your customers’. So don’t miss this valuable session – it’s at 2:00 p.m. EDT on June 9, it’s free, and it is essential information. You can sign up here.  We see you on the 9th!
