The Postal Service sent out a press release last week, sharing the April was their best on-time performance month to date in FY 2022. It was a great month for them. We were nit-picking about a tiny downward trend, which seem to have stopped this week, but it really was a good performance month for USPS. And, last week was pretty darn good, too, except for Marketing Mail Letters. Hopefully an aberration – we’ll be watching. I mean, it’s what we do.
For the week beginning May 9, 2022, First-Class letters were delivered on time 94.84% a small improvement over a very good earlier week, and a break of the small downward trend we had been seeing. Nice job, USPS! First-Class flats were delivered on time 94.48% of the time, down a touch from the prior week – which had been their best week of the year. Still very good.
Marketing Mail Letters had a rough week with 93.72% of letters delivered on time, a 3% drop from the previous week. It’s a significant drop that bears watching. Marketing Mail Flats were delivered on time 96.64% of the time. Another great week for flats.
Average Intra-SCF delivery time was 2.28 days for Marketing Mail letters, 2.21 days for Marketing Mail flats.
Overall, on-time performance has been excellent for the past few months, so the aberrations we report are generally just that. If Marketing Mail letters had a soft week, it’s just that – one week. Give us two or three in a row and we’ll start fussing. I promise.
In the meantime, keep mailing.
Here’s on-time performance for Marketing Mail letters. You can see that while it is down a touch this week, performance has generally been excellent!