Do your customers even know you’re tracking their mail?
October 22, 2015   Dave Lewis

Do your customers know you're tracking their mail?

Do your customers even know you’re tracking their mail?

My daughter-in-law does group sales at a big theatre in Washington, as well as managing her own very small theatre group. I recently helped her out with a small promotional mailing for one of her plays – naturally I tracked the mail. When 50% of the mail had been delivered we automatically triggered aYourMail™ notice telling her the mail was being delivered. She loved it and showed it around at her office – the management there went nuts! “We had no idea someone could tell us what mail was being delivered when!  We can use this in our sales office to know what offers people are responding to, what mail is working, when to make group sales calls – this is amazing!” The funny thing is I happen to know that their mail is tracked. Sadly, they are not using SnailWorks, so there are no YourMail notices sent, no proactive reports or triggering. Just some reports sitting on a web page somewhere. Think of the good will that mailer could generate by making their tracking more proactive. Do YOUR customers know you’re tracking their mail?  Make sure they know all the value you are adding. If you’re a SnailWorks customer contact us and we’ll tell you how to be more proactive. If you are NOT a SnailWorks customer, contact us right away and we’ll have some excellent advice!
