What’s Faster - Commingle, Co-Pal, Co-Mail – or Just Mail?
July 30, 2015   Dave Lewis

What you don’t know could cost you Mailing is not the business it used to be. Long gone are the days when mail was just dropped at the Post Office. Today, most mailing services are dealing with multiple comminglers, drop shipping to distant cities, co-palletization, and more. It’s all intended to reduce the cost of postage, and in some cases add a little bit to the mail service provider’s razor-thin margins. It’s all about transporting the mail more efficiently, and enjoying postal discounts for doing so. In order to use these services, it becomes more important than ever to know how long it takes for mail to be delivered. Knowing how trucking companies are doing at getting all of your mail inducted into the mail stream, how one commingler handles mail versus another, and just being sure you’re not losing critical services or missing delivery is essential. Mail tracking is really a necessity to monitor these things. We recently did a comparison between two presort services on behalf of one of our mail service provider clients. We found that one service was consistently about a day and a half slower, on average, than the other. For many mailing clients this is a critical difference. They were able to make an intelligent choice among competitors. Another client drop ships their large mailings across the country. We were able to create a report that shows delivery and scan data by USPS entry point specific to their mailing. They now can immediately track delivery delays back to the truck that was transporting that mail in time to make adjustments and corrections. With so many people handling your mail, don’t lose sight of it as soon as it leaves your dock. Follow it to your prospect’s door with SnailWorks.
