Weekly US Mail Traffic Report – October 25, 2021
Mail traffic is still OK, but it’s not rush hour

October 26, 2021   Dave Lewis

First-Class Letters were on time 85.86% of the time, based on previous delivery service standards, down from 91.90% the prior week. Again, this is not using the new, slower standards. This falls back into the general pattern we saw for the summer. Last week seemed to be a fluke. We did notice that a greater percentage of the late mail was 3-4 days late.

Marketing Mail Letters were on time 93.86% of the time, down from 94.92% the prior week.

Average Intra-SCF delivery time was 2.22 days for Marketing mail letters, 2.41 days for Marketing Mail flats.

Slowest SCFs for Intra-SCF delivery week of 10/18:
·        Southeastern, PA:  9.57 days
·        Mid-Island, NY: 7.67 days
·        Memphis, TN: 5.71
The fastest:
·        Abilene, TX: 1.48 days
·        Charleston, WV: 1.49 days
·        San Diego, CA: 1.60 days

A letter from California to Maryland, on average, took:
·        First-Class:          4.57 days (Better than last week)
·        Marketing Mail:  6.76 days (Worse than last week)

Looking at delivery across the country, we do not see a clear trend – delivery times bump up and down by small amounts. We are hoping this trend continues through peak season.

Map of the Week - Days Late for a Marketing Mail Letter from Hartford, CT, received in the last 2 weeks.

All figures based on qualified pieces tracked by SnailWorks. For more detailed information, subscribe to the SnailWorks newsletter.
