Informed Delivery – What to Expect in 2020
January 22, 2020   Dave Lewis

Informed Delivery really came into its own in 2019, with millions of consumers signing up to receive ID emails, and thousands of campaigns created by mailers.  Finally, the Informed Delivery promotion in the fall of 2019 saved mailers millions of postage dollars for participating. Now, the promotion is over but no one seems to have told consumers – they continue to sign up for the program to the tune of about a million new subscribers a month.  As of the beginning of the year, there were about 21,600,000 subscribers across the country.  This represents about 20% of the eligible households in the country.  The numbers are really becoming too big to ignore.  If you mail 100,000 pieces and don’t create an ID campaign, you are passing up on about 20,000 additional impressions you could get – and most likely a few hundred clicks. Here are some of the developments you can expect in Informed Delivery in 2020:
  • Increased consumer adoption – expect 35 – 40 million subscribers by year’s end;
  • Business-to-business capabilities – probably mid-year;
  • User-Interface enhancements on the USPS site;
  • Improved ad delivery rates on flat mail;
  • Ability to embed unique URL’s in each consumer’s Ride-Along Ad;
  • Improved, more timely reporting provided as the reporting migrates to the Informed Visibility platform around April.
Of course, SnailWorks Direct2Digital ID users have already been getting daily reporting on their campaigns. At SnailWorks, you can expect continued development of our Informed Delivery services.  Already we are integrating daily reporting in our mail tracking reports.  We have also created a new version of OneStep Job Creation that allows you to include Informed Delivery.  Some of our bigger clients are just building it into their process. And just to make ID as ridiculously easy as possible, we now are offering our buttons only option.  You simply pick a button image and your client’s web address, and that becomes your Ride-Along Ad: Click to Shop-Blue                  Click to Shop-yellow We’ll be introducing lots of new designs, and different copy – Donate Now, Join Now – and we’re always looking for suggestions from you!
