April 4, 2022   Dave Lewis

Huh?  What’s this about?  Hopefully a fluke week.      

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, USPS has a pretty bad week.  Standard letters looked OK, but the rest…eww.

First-Class letters were delivered on time 89.22% of the time, a significant drop from last week’s performance at 94.62%.  First-Class flats, delivered on time 94.02% of the time, still an OK performance, but down a point since last week.

Marketing Mail Letters turned in solid week with 97.37% of letters delivered on time.  Marketing Mail Flats were delivered on time a disappointing 90.43% of the time.  

Average Intra-SCF delivery time was 1.98 days for Marketing Mail letters, 2.14 days for Marketing Mail flats.  These are good numbers.

Slowest SCFs for Intra-SCF letters, delivery week of 3/28: (10,000 pieces minimum)

  • Inglewood, CA:             4.21 days
  • Rocky Mount, NC:        2.79 days
  • Dallas, TX:                     2.78 days

The fastest:

  • Toledo, OH:                  1.00 days
  • Peoria, IL:                     1.37 days
  • San Diego, CA:             1.43 days

A letter-size piece from California to Maryland, on average, took:

  •   First-Class:           4.75 days
  •   Marketing Mail:   6.38 days

Hopefully, it was just a bad week.  One week a trend doth not make, or something like that.


General delivery performance of First-Class letters. The map on the left using all data from the past 10 months, the map on the left just the last 2 weeks.  Clearly, Arizona has had some issues, but not disastrous, and not enough volume to throw off the whole result.  Upper Midwest in general looks a little slow.  We just show the data and try not to interpret too much.

April 4
