I’m Not Sure Why Folks Keep Switching to Our Mail Tracking
October 29, 2015   Karen Bartram

I’m Not Sure Why Folks Keep Switching to Our Mail Tracking

But they seem to have a pretty good idea….

Seriously – I’m just not sure what is so great about our mail tracking, and I kinda helped design it.  Don’t get me wrong – I love SnailWorks Mail Tracking™ – I’m in there every day checking one job or another.  But, isn’t all mail tracking kind of the same?  Changing tracking services is a bit of a hassle.  You have to talk to your DP guys, and stuff like that.  So what is it about SnailWorks Mail Tracking that is so darn great that people are willing to change?  I was curious, so I thought I’d ask our customers – it was a pretty eye opening experience.  Here’s what they told me:
  • SnailWorks reports are better - way better. Anyone can drill around SnailWorks tracking reports like some kind of mail tracking guru.  They are just very simple to navigate, and show the information that is relevant to our customers.  Want to switch to first-scan reports?  Just click here.  Want to download, print or email a report?  Want to have reports emailed to clients every morning?  Just click here.  Simple is good, and our reports are simple but somehow powerful at the same time.  After hearing this I did sneak a peek at some of our competitors’ reports – eww.  I’m not sure what they were thinking…
  • SnailWorks is way easy to use. This one kinda surprised me – I mean I know our system is easy to use, but one of our competitors has their mail tracking built right into their presort software.  How do we get easier than that?!  Well, it turns out that with that competitor you need to send them a file and wait for them to do their IMb thing and send it back – Holy Production Delay!  And it’s just not as intuitive as you’d think for a “built in” solution.  SnailWorks’ OneStep Seamless Tracking™ solution helps you create your own IMb’s and extract the data automatically, and send it to us after you have finished the job.  We can even automate that part.  Data guys (and gals!) love this, and have repeatedly told me that this is a much simpler solution than even the built-in solution on their presort software.  And the other non-built-in solutions?    Seems like they are very intrusive and inflexible.  So we do have the job creation thing down better than anyone…
  • SnailWorks lets you use your own MID…which it turns out matters a lot. The big reason is ACS.  I mean you break your back getting certified for USPS Full-Service Intelligent Mail, and then you can’t take advantage of its Biggest Benefit, FREE ACS, because you have to use your mail tracking company’s MID.  That’s not cool.  Plus sometimes you just want to use your own MID for your own reasons.  We get it.  You go ahead and use whatever MID you like – we’ll support you.
  • SnailWorks actually does something with tracking data. A mailer cannot live on reports alone.  At SnailWorks we do a lot more than provide web-based reports – we are triggering emails, sending trigger files to call centers, pushing YourMail reports to our customers’ customers, scheduling daily delivery of reports…whew.  We don’t tell you what you can do with your tracking data – we do it!  Great, your piece of mail got delivered – what are you going to do about it?  We have a few ideas.
  • SnailWorks is innovative, imaginative, and flexible. At SnailWorks we practice “Customer Driven Development.”  Our customers determine the next feature we add to the system.  If you think it would be cool if our mail tracking did something, it may very well do that in a couple of weeks.  Our customers LOVE this.  Some – no, all – of our best ideas have come from our customers.  We are not hidebound here – we are open to your ideas.  And it’s not just because we are a young hungry company, although we are.  It is our culture – mail tracking integrated with multi-channel is all we do.  Flexibility and innovation are baked into our business model.
So that’s why our customers switch to us – and never switch back.  And it seems to be working – almost all of our new customers are switching from another tracking system, and we are doubling in size every year.  After talking to our customers and looking at what else is out there I’m only surprised that we have any holdouts. Seriously, if you are not using SnailWorks Mail Tracking you need to take a look at it.  Click here and we’ll set a demo.  No obligation of course, but I can’t promise you won’t fall in love.
