Multi-Channel Just Got Channel-ier!
June 30, 2015   Dave Lewis

Tying IP Targeting Into Your Campaign It’s not often that a whole new channel gets introduced to direct marketing, but that’s what we’ve got with IP Targeting. It’s a relatively simple concept that really does open up a new way to reach prospects, and it marries up beautifully with direct marketing. This is a true game changer in direct marketing, and it’s easy to do with SnailWorks. Here’s how it works: We match your street address file against a compiled proprietary data base of IP addresses. We are able to identify the IP address of the people on your list at a household level – we typically are able to match about 50%.  You provide (or we create for you) web display ads with embedded links to your SnailWorks hosted landing page. We deploy your web display ads to a wide variety of web sites that are seen on web sites being viewed at your prospects’ IP address. We can time those ads to appear just as your direct mail is being delivered. They see your direct mail; they get your coordinated email – now they also see your web ad. It’s all about brand immersion, and opportunities to respond. This is a wonderful way to reach prospects who haven’t responded to your direct mail, who haven’t opened your email (or maybe you don’t have their email address or permission), and just need another shot at responding. What makes this such a game changer is the ability to target web display ads at the household level, and relate it to a street address. Suddenly you have a way to reach out to prospects that didn’t respond to your direct mail and didn’t open your email and get your offer to them. The web ads should direct them to your SnailWorks hosted landing page, where we can measure their response and facilitate their order or request. This is a level of immersive direct marketing that has been impossible to achieve before. Now it’s not only possible, it’s easy. A few things about SnailWorks IP targeting to keep in mind:
  • Match rates are typically 50% of the records, but may be less;
  • Matches are at the household level, not the person level, so the targeted prospect may not see the ad;
  • Pricing is based on impressions delivered – the number of times an ad is “served up”. The rule of thumb is to serve up 20 impressions per IP;
  • B-to-B is harder to match – IP addresses may be more geographically connected.
  • In most cases IP targeting for a campaign is more expensive than email and less expensive than direct mail.
Our suggestion is that you test adding IP targeting to an upcoming campaign and see how it works for you. How it impacts your results is the only meaningful measure. Ready to try a campaign? Contact us and we’ll walk you through the details!
