Does Switching Mail Trackers Have to be Hard?
September 10, 2014   Karen Bartram

Ummm... No!

We hear that nobody likes change, but if someone offers you a nice new Mercedes for that 1999 Toyota you're driving, we're guessing that's a change you could live with. Of course you'd need to get your stuff out of the trunk, gather up your CDs, and maybe get the tags switched. Still, once you get behind the wheel of that new ride, change ain't so bad. That's how we feel about mail tracking today. An awful lot of companies are using tracking systems that were fundamentally designed 10-15 years ago. When marketers see how we've changed the whole equation for mail tracking, they want it! But…there's still that stuff in the trunk. They gotta call the guys in IT... the DP manager thinks what they do today is easy. So, SnailWorks presents OneStep™ Seamless Tracking – our new award-deserving trunk junk mover, tag switcher for mail tracking. It just makes switching to state-of-the art tracking ridiculously easy. Click here to see how easy it is, and forward it to your IT team. Just be prepared – you might get some hugs. That's how much data folks love the SnailWorks Mail Tracking interface. Want to see how we've changed mail tracking? Click here to sign up for a demo!
